Thankful Thursday #

If I am correct, I think I missed 2 weeks but I can assure you I have been doing my thankfuls in my head every day.
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1. A fridge full of food. So much fresh produce greets me every time I open the refrigerator. I realize I’m very lucky.
2. Being a stay at home mum. Oh my I feel blessed on this one. To get every minute of the day with my girl, never missing one moment. So so thankful.
3. Having a supportive husband. And not just for the above thankful. He is (usually!) so selfless, and knows the importance of giving this mama her me-time. Like my 2 hour horse ride last weekend. Bliss. 
4. Nature. Always marveling at mother nature and her fury. Or even the way the regrowth is happening all around my town from the bush fires. So beautiful!
5. Origrami. I’ve been printing my Instagram photos through them and love how affordable and easy it is. Nope, this isn’t sponsored. I’m just thankful to get them from my phone into my hot little hands 🙂
Every Thursday I’m posting 5 things I’m thankful for. Practicing the art of being grateful is something we should all be doing. Oprah Winfrey said it best:
“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” 

Being grateful will bring you happiness and peace in life. It can turn a negative into a positive. If you don’t believe me, try it yourself. Join in on Thankful Thursdays by blogging your thankfuls or using Instagram (hashtag me!).

What are your thankfuls this week?