Top 5: Blogs you must read!

I’ve been an avid reader all my life. I just enjoy it! This has also crossed over onto the internet and not only do I write my own blog but I read blogs. 
It’s like a magazine of someone’s life. I’m a nosey person. I love my reality shows, love to catch up on celeb goss. God knows why, I mean it doesn’t affect my life at all. Why do we find other’s lives so interesting? The thing about the blog world is that there’s a blog for almost every topic and interest you could think of. 
I’ve compiled my top 5 blogs I currently read. This was a hard list to make but hopefully you will find them as enjoyable as I do!
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1. Cattle, Kids & Chaos. I have a secret passion in my heart for the land. When I was 18 I completed an Agriculture course through TAFE, living in Dubbo for a couple of months. It was hard work, great fun and was the closest I’ve come to feel like I was LIVING. Being outside all the time, working on the land and with animals, it’s living. So reading Fiona’s blog is one of my favourite ways to unwind and keep “in the loop” with the farming world. She’s living my dream, raising her family on a cattle station, working hard (and worrying harder!) but you can tell she appreciates every moment. She has plenty of photos to keep you engaged too. A great blog for city slickers and rural lovers alike.
2. Baby Mac. No doubt one of the coolest bloggers out there, Beth has style, you guys. She is a woman after my own heart, posting entries laden with photographs of flowers, bed linen, homewares and noms. In fact, she has recently started up a game called Recipe Roulette where she creates a new dish every fortnight, chosen at random by poking her finger at a book and naming a page number. Lots of people have joined in! Down to earth gal and blog, this one. She may find me creepy, I may have a girl crush on her. Oh and you probably have also seen her on your telly 😉
3. Katie 180. Telling it like it is with a side of gangsta. I love Katie for her honesty! I imagine her to write just how she talks in real life… or is that vise versa?! She is a nutritionist and mother of 2 (one being a newborn!) and has some great articles that provoke thought and discussion. Of course she posts plenty of recipes, and her sense of humour is great fun!
4. Life At My Level. Leisa and I go back a little bit. Before the times of blogging publicly we read each other at a recently-closed diary/blogging website. A lovely soul, Leisa has achondroplasia and her blog documents her daily life living with the condition and her journey to prove everyone wrong! She is truly inspiring!
5. Fat Mum Slim. One of the first blogs I started reading after leaving OD. FMS has led me to find many other great blogs too. Chantelle is such a kind hearted woman. You may remember me helping her with the FMS Gift Exchange… something she set up out of the kindness of her heart. Her blog has posts about her daily/personal life, motherhood, blogging tips, recipes and everything else you can imagine. She also runs the FMS Photo a Day challenge. Surely you know of it!

What blogs do you read? Maybe you have one to share with me, or even your own?

5 thoughts on “Top 5: Blogs you must read!

  1. Jackie, thank you so much, I'm extremely flattered. I frequently wonder why anybody reads my blog and question many times why I continue to do it. But you know, my kids are the blog's greatest fans, and while that continues I will. Thank you again. I look forward to following your journey, and am about to check out those apricot bliss balls!

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