Blueberry & Banana Smoothie

Some mornings (or really any time of the day) I just can’t be bothered to create a meal. I can’t be bothered to think and I can’t be bothered to spend lots of time in the kitchen. And I can’t be bothered I don’t have the time to sit down and eat a meal let alone scratch my arm sometimes (ah, children). 
My solution on these types of days is this: SMOOTHIE! There’s always some spare vegies or frozen fruit in our house, and experimenting is half the fun. This one is full of antioxidants and is very filling! A great breakfast smoothie to get you going for the day.
Blueberry & Banana Smoothie
1 banana, fresh or frozen
1 cup of frozen blueberries
1/4 cup coconut water
1 tbs chia seeds
1 tbs flax meal
1 tsp agave or raw honey
Blend all ingredients thoroughly. Enjoy immediately (chia turns to a pudding!).

Green Smoothies

Drinking my greens is my favourtie way to get all those vegetables, vitamins and minerals into me. If I had to eat as many vegetables as I can easily drink, I’d be eating all day! And who honestly likes chewing on a kale leaf, or a celery stick all on it’s own? Not me… I’d rather mix it with lemon and cucumber and some ginger. Which wouldn’t be very easy to do if you were eating it as a solid, would it! But drinking a combination makes it more enjoyable and much easier to get extra goodness into you.

I usually juice my fruit and vegetables but my juicer recently went to heaven and now I’m using my blender. Which is far from the same… I still get chunky bits in my drink from the blender, something my juicer would never do to me! Oh how I miss you, juicer 😦 I’m sure if I was cashed up and could buy a Vitamix it would blend my vegies to a smooth and creamy consistency. What floaties?! I’ts not that bad – I’m still able to suck it all up through a straw!

Here is one of my current favourite green smoothie recipes.

Mean Green Smoothie

  • 1 lebanese cucumber
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 cup spinach
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1/2 lemon
  • handful of parsley
  • ginger to taste

Blend all ingredients, serve over ice and drink immediately!

Do you drink your greens? Do you prefer juices or smoothies?