Taking Stock of January

This year I’m taking a leaf out of some fellow bloggers blogs (does that make sense?) like Nikki and Pip. At the end of each month I’m going to complete this not so little list and just take stock of the month that was. It’ll be good to look back on each of the months at the end of the year, don’t you think?


Making: love.
Cooking: these biscuits from the wonderful Adele of Vegie Head. I’m obsessed.
Drinking: smoothies. I’ve tried lots of new ones this year such as the ones photographed in this post and this post too.
Reading: all of the books in The Secret range.
Wanting: a new wardrobe. Getting desperate for some new clothes.
Looking: bloody sexy don’t you think?!
Playing: The Wiggles. Non fucking stop.
Deciding: how to secure some earphone on Olivia so I don’t have to listen to The Wiggles.
Wishing: for a sleep in.
Enjoying: my husband. 
Waiting: for Liv to sleep through the night. I’ve been waiting 16 months so far. Not giving up hope! Never!
Liking: summer. I usually don’t enjoy it but this year it’s been beautiful.
Wondering: where and when our next holiday will be. Def in need of one!
Loving: that imaginative play has started with O. So much fun!
Pondering: why some people like lacey underwear on men. Google search gone wrong.
Considering: going 100% dairy free again. I’ve been slacking off and having cheese and yoghurt this year.
Watching: lots of downloads because TV sucks. I miss Breaking Bad and Homeland!
Hoping: for a Valentines present this year, without having to hint.

Marvelling: my daughter. Her intelligence…! And how we all start out like this and grow and learn, so amazing to watch before my very own eyes. Parenthood is so rewarding.
Needing: sleep! Sleep sleep SLEEP!
Smelling: essential oils in the new diffuser. Wish the sleep blend was more potent for O!
Wearing: baggy tops because Olivia is dropping off the feeds a bit during the day and I’m still adjusting. Hello lop sided boobs!
Following: Miley Cyrus on IG. It’s like a car crash, I can’t look away!
Noticing: how sudden Olivia seems grown up after a developmental leap. Sob!
Knowing: that I’m actually very lucky and blessed in life.
Thinking: money money money. What you think and feel will manifest.
Feeling: happy and positive for the majority of the month.
Admiring: stay at home mum bloggers. DISTRACTIONS everywhere!
Sorting: out photos of our girl… only 16 month later. Order prints as we speak.
Buying: Instagram prints.
Getting: a headache from thinking of answers for this list.
Bookmarking: Project Life pages.
Disliking: people who can’t do the speed limit and then get upset when you overtake.
Opening: lots of new stock for my homewares store.
Giggling: at Scott Disick in The Kardashians. He’s a crack up!

Phew. That was harder than I thought!