Blueberry & Banana Smoothie

Some mornings (or really any time of the day) I just can’t be bothered to create a meal. I can’t be bothered to think and I can’t be bothered to spend lots of time in the kitchen. And I can’t be bothered I don’t have the time to sit down and eat a meal let alone scratch my arm sometimes (ah, children). 
My solution on these types of days is this: SMOOTHIE! There’s always some spare vegies or frozen fruit in our house, and experimenting is half the fun. This one is full of antioxidants and is very filling! A great breakfast smoothie to get you going for the day.
Blueberry & Banana Smoothie
1 banana, fresh or frozen
1 cup of frozen blueberries
1/4 cup coconut water
1 tbs chia seeds
1 tbs flax meal
1 tsp agave or raw honey
Blend all ingredients thoroughly. Enjoy immediately (chia turns to a pudding!).